Azbuka Domashnego Terrorizma Pdf

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GLEBOV on the Krupp-Ren~ method, magnesian refractor ies made with magnesian oxide extracted from sea water, will be used on a wider scale for lining aggregates engaged in the direct reduction of irort fr xt ore~. REFERENCES C.

Hedley, Future trends m refractories. Iron and Steel, ALEKSEY NIKALAYEVICH UVRANTSOV One of the oldest employees of the refractory industry, Alek~ey Eikolayevieh Uvrantsov, died o~ June 7, 1961 after a long a~d serious I l lness.

Uvrantsov went to ~rk as the head of the planning secUon at the Tsemroshamot Trust in 1929. And for 30 years; up to his retlrcment: was engaged in planning and ftX~c~l ~oz'~ in the refractory i~tluslry. As a highly qua~fled specialist and a ma~ of great energy and lr, itiatJve, A.N, U~ra~Eov took an aeLive part In compiling current and long~ plans [or the de- velopment 9[:he refractor), indus,ry during the f irst Five~ Year Plans, daring the restoration of the refractory establishments after the 1941 - 1945 war, and also In the post-war years. During his years of work h~ the refractory Ind~_~try, he ~s awarck-d four medals. Ap~ from his great work in industry, A.N.

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Uvran- ~ov ~ an ac~ve p~rt in social work, I~ 1945 he bec~ae a member of the Communist l~r ty. The memory of A.N. Uvraatsov, an active participant in the development of the refractory industry and a worthy sen of the Party; a man of great personal qualifies, will never fade in the hearts of all those who knew hi~. REVIEWS Review of 'High Alumina Ceramic and Refractory Materials' bY D.N. Polubo)~zrinov, V.L. Balkevich aud P.

L Science and engineering are making ever greater de- mands on reJractory materials, necessitating the improve- ment of teehn~loKy, the development of physical-chemical bases of production for diffePent types of refractories and fuller Utilization of the possibi l i t ies contained in refractory materials, Th/s book 'High-AlumL~a Ceramic and Refractory Materials' contains the following chapters: J; High-alumina raw material, This chapter describes natural alumino-si l ieates, a lumi~-hydrates and anhydrous aluminum oxide. It describes the basic deposits where thef~ types of raw material are fotmd in the Soviet Union.

Physical-chemical processes used to obtain high- alumina ceramics. This chapter contains a cr it ical survey of the phase diagram of the system AI203 - SIP2, a descr ip- tion of the theory of the synthesis of mullite, deals with the formation temperature of 'secondary mullite', the eiIect of additives on the prqperttes ol the muW~ Bagger, sintering and reerystall lzatiou of corundum. Basic propert ies of high-alumina materials. In this chapter we find the mechanical and elastic character is - tics of these mater ia ls as a f~nct~on of temperature, the IGosstroYlzdat, 1960 con~nt of atumtna and certain other factors: refractor iness and softening ~t h~gh temperatures, spa/ling resls~tnce, thez'mal conductivity and heat capacity, spalling resistance and chemical reSi~lance and electrophysical propert ies, 4. Production os high-alumina ceramics. This chapter gives a fairly thorough descripUon of certain aspects of the technological process In manufacturing different high- alumina ceramics.

Production of high-alumina refractor ies. This chaptej deals with the technology of high-alumina relractorJea based on natural high-alumina raw material, l~gh-alumina slags, synthesized mullite a~d cortmdum. The book gives prominence to the experience acquired in the Soviet Union and abroad in making high-alumina re- fractories (243 Russia~ and 75 foreign [Rer~ry SO~rCes have been used). A great deal of work in this field has been done by the department of ceramic and refractory teclmolog5 of the Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute, which is explatDed in the book.

The descriptions are c lear-cut and refer to contemporar3 l i terature; they are of interest to research workers, en- glneers and technicians employed in the field of high-alumlm production. Apart from the positive character ist ics of the hook.

Through testing conducted by an independent, U.S. EPA-certified laboratory, it was determined that Adya, Inc.’s water purifying solution, Adya Clarity, reduces up to 99.9% of the chemical 4-Methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM) from water. The chemical, 4-Methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM) was spilled into the Elk River just upstream from the Kanawha County municipal water intake in Charleston, West Virginia on January 9, 2014, contaminating the water supply to over 300,000 West Virginia residents. EPA-certified laboratory, Envirotek Laboratories, Inc. Of Mullica Hill, New Jersey, conducted the MCHM Reduction Test using Adya’s water purifying solution, Adya Clarity.

Summit indica unicode software download. The following procedures were performed: Three liters of tap water were spiked with 400 μg of 4-Methyl-1-cyclohexanemethanol (MCHM) in a flask. Added 12 mL (4mLper liter) of Adya Clarity solution to the spiked solution, the flask was closed, mixed well and let sit for 12, 24, and 48 hours inside a fume hood. One liter of the solution was filtered through a 0.45 micron paper after 12 hours, a second liter of the solution was filtered through a 0.45 micron paper after 24 hours, the final liter of the solution was filtered through a 0.45 micron paper after 48 hours, the initial spiked solution and the filtered solutions were tested following the EPA method 525 for drinking water.

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